UX Designer
Good Research | November 2019 – Present
Visualization Designer
Creative Coding Lab at UC Santa Cruz | June 2018 – November 2019
Coauthored two papers submitted and accepted to IEEE Vis 2019.
Designed and implemented the GUI editor for RuleVis, a web app that visualizes molecular biological systems from rules written in Kappa language.
Created visual supplements for publication including figures and a short video.
Provided design feedback to six graduate-level research projects in order to create intuitive user experiences for web and VR.
Code Naturally | August 2018 – June 2019
Increased usability of web-based coding app for students aged 8-15 learning to code. Achieved through user research, development of initial sketches, and creation of mockups and wireframes consistent with company branding.
Designed 100+ logos, graphics, and collateral materials for web and print.
Discrete Math Tutor
Learning Support Services at UC Santa Cruz | April 2017 – December 2018
Facilitated peer-based learning and mastery of course material for groups of up to 20 students through lecture and participatory learning exercises.
Emphasized active learning styles, non-hierarchical teaching practices, and empathetic leadership.
Engineering Intern | July 2016 – September 2016
Conducted requirements and early design phases for an app to allow Kiva lenders to perform key actions within the Kiva community including: browsing and lending money, and interacting with other users and lending teams.
Researched user and market base; created initial mockup sketches; created InVision wireframe.
Independently conceptualized and realized initial project phases by self- teaching necessary technologies.
Computer Science B.A. and Art B.A.
University of California, Santa Cruz | June 2015 – June 2019
GPA: 3.81
First Year Honor’s Program (2015 – 2016)
Dean’s Honors (2016 – 2019)
UX Certificate
Nielsen Norman Group | November 10, 2019
Credential ID: 1034064
UX Basic Training
Generating Big Ideas with Design Thinking
Effective Ideation Techniques for UX Design
Analytics and User Experience
The Human Mind and Usability
C. Artanegara and A. G. Forbes. RasVis: Redesigning pathways to support analyses of experimental data. In IEEE VIS BioVis Workshop Poster Session, Vancouver, Canada, 2019. (Best Poster Award.)
D. Abramov, J. Otto, M. Dubey, C. Artanegara, P. Boutillier, W. Fontana, and A. G. Forbes. RuleVis: Constructing patterns and rules for rule-based models. In Proceedings of IEEE VIS, Vancouver, Canada, 2019). (In Press.)
J. N. Burchett, D. Abramov, J. Otto, C. Artanegara, J. X. Prochaska, and A. G. Forbes. Analyzing intergalactic and circumgalactic medium absorption using quasar sightlines in a cosmic web context. Computer Graphics Forum, 2019.